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 1. Cornell University Trustees  Alzheimer's Disease: New Discoveries on Origins and Care  Cornell University 
 2. MU News Bureau  07.07.13 Alzheimer's Disease  Spotlight on Science 
 3. Cedir  Alzheimer's Disease  Did You hear 
 4. Harry Johns, MD, Marilyn Albert, MD, Heather Burns  Alzheimer’s Disease: Aging Baby Boomers Will Raise the Stakes  2007 Aspen Ideas Festival: Global Health 
 5. Professor George Bloom  On the Road to Curing Alzheimer’s Disease: How to Relieve a Traffic Jam in the Brain  More than the Score Lecture Series 
 6. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY  Improving Chronic Illness Care - Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease - Dr. Edward Wagner  SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 
 7. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY  Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Obesity - Risk Factors for Women and Prevention of Chronic Disease - Dr. Debra Krummel  SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 
 8. Kandice Carter  Alzheimer's Test   
 9. Unca John's blues band  Alzheimer blues  Beta-blocker blues 
 10. Corinna Wu  Alzheimer's Vaccine   
 11. Iain Ballamy  MM 28 Discoveries  MirrorMask Soundtrack © La-La Land Records 
 12. Iain Ballamy  MM 28 Discoveries  MirrorMask Soundtrack © La-La Land Records 
 13. Iain Ballamy  MM 28 Discoveries  MirrorMask Soundtrack © La-La Land Records 
 14. Gabriela Zander-Schneider und Wolfgang Schneider  Alzheimer-Gespräch - Ausgabe 38  Alzheimer-Gespräch - Ausgabe 38 
 15. Monty Python Flying Circus  Alzheimer Answering Machine   
 16. Gerald Schneider  Lecture 25: Discoveries of Soc  MIT OCW: 9.20 Animal Behavior, 
 17. Hendrik van Loon  41 The Great Discoveries  The Story of Mankind 
 18. Daisy Glaze  Maybe Great Discoveries  Demos 
 19. Gerald Schneider  Lecture 27: Discoveries of Sociobiology  MIT OCW: 9.20 Animal Behavior, Fall 2005 
 20. Mark Twain  Our Children and Great Discoveries  LibriVox Nonfiction Collection Vol. 002 
 21. ICR  Recent Space Discoveries  Science, Scripture, & Salvation Vol. 74 
 22. Dr Chris Smith  Naked Scientists 07.12.02 - Alzheimer's, the Brain and Memory  The Naked Scientists Radio Show 
 23. Dr Chris Smith  Naked Scientists 07.12.02 - Alzheimer's, the Brain and Memory  The Naked Scientists Radio Show 
 24. Vincent Racaniello  TWiV #17 - Seminal discoveries in virology  This Week in Virology 
 25. Amelia B. Edwards  54 - Ch. XVIII: Discoveries at Abou Simbel, pt. 3  A Thousand Miles up the Nile 
 26. Julia Allen & William Pollak  Why Leaders Should Care About Security - Part 3: Competitive Advantage, Duty of Care, and Who's Responsible?  CERT Podcasts for Business Leaders 
 27. Guy David  Night Guy 96: Adam and Eve Make Scientific Discoveries  Night Guy 
 28. Dr. Evelyn Higgins  Alzheimer's To Do List - The Benefits of The Potato - The Harmful Effects of TV On Your Children  Your Body Is A Wonderland 
 29. V/O by Tim Allen  Pure Michigan: Discoveries Flint and Genesee County   
 30. Texas Public Policy Foundation  Does anyone care how much health care really costs?  Texas PolicyCast 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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